Akkineni Nagarajuna’s Upcoming Historical Movie ‘Rajanna’ release date was confirmed by the Producers on December 22nd 2011. Rajanna Premiere Show will be Screend in USA just a day before release in India. Producers are Planning to held Premiere Shows in all Major Indians Residing Cities in USA.
Akkineni Nagarjuna himself Produced the movie ‘Rajanna’ and the film’s music is in the top list. Nagarjuna admits that this is one of the best movies in his career.By the way Nagarjuna himself as a producer of this rajann is very much confident of the movie success.
Sneha was Played the main heroine lead in this movie. SS Rajamouli designed and directed the action scenes and main movie directed by Famous Writer, Rajamouli’s father Vijayendra Prasad. MM Keeravani has given the Music for this Flick.
Watch Rajanna Audio Release and Rajanna Trailers in VideoClicks.in
Akkineni Nagarjuna himself Produced the movie ‘Rajanna’ and the film’s music is in the top list. Nagarjuna admits that this is one of the best movies in his career.By the way Nagarjuna himself as a producer of this rajann is very much confident of the movie success.
Sneha was Played the main heroine lead in this movie. SS Rajamouli designed and directed the action scenes and main movie directed by Famous Writer, Rajamouli’s father Vijayendra Prasad. MM Keeravani has given the Music for this Flick.
Watch Rajanna Audio Release and Rajanna Trailers in VideoClicks.in