Young Tiger JrNTR is busy with his upcoming movie "Dhammu" in the direction of Boyapati Sreenu. In this film Trisha and Karthika are playing with JrNTR. At Present both the heroines are participating in the canning and the movie is expected to Blast the screens in April, 2012.
Apart from this film Dammu JrNTR has also given the green signal to his next project in the direction of Sreenu Vytla. which will be produced by Bandla Ganesh Babu in the Parameswara arts banner.
As per the Film Nagar sources presently Sreenu Vytla is busy in finalizing the script and it will goes on to sets in February, 2012. JrNTR also signed a new project in the direction of Sensation director Puri Jaganndh, which will starts in the middle of 2012. will be back with more cinema updates of JrNTR.
Watch for more Vidoes on JrNTR.
Apart from this film Dammu JrNTR has also given the green signal to his next project in the direction of Sreenu Vytla. which will be produced by Bandla Ganesh Babu in the Parameswara arts banner.
As per the Film Nagar sources presently Sreenu Vytla is busy in finalizing the script and it will goes on to sets in February, 2012. JrNTR also signed a new project in the direction of Sensation director Puri Jaganndh, which will starts in the middle of 2012. will be back with more cinema updates of JrNTR.
Watch for more Vidoes on JrNTR.