Yuva Samrat Akkineni Nagarjuna’s ‘Dhamarukam’ shooting is currently progressing in a specially designed set at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. There the film unit is shooting scenes involved on major cast of the film. This film is going to be the highest budget film in Nagarjuna's movies. The makers of the film were errected 5 rich sets for Dhamarukam, one at Saradhi Studios in Ameerpet, a rich house set at Annapurna Studios, another burial ground set at the Annapurna 7 acres space and 2 more special sets in Nanak Ramguda studios.
Dhamarukam is garnishing with full of computer graphics other than Sets. As per the reports Dhamarukam will have amazing visual effects around 50 minutes.
Anushka (Sweety) is playing with nag in this Dhamarukam film. The Cinema is being directed by Srinivasa Reddy and produced by Venkat on R.R.Movie Makers banner. Devi Sri Prasad is Scoring the music for this nagarajuna Dhamarukam.
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Dhamarukam is garnishing with full of computer graphics other than Sets. As per the reports Dhamarukam will have amazing visual effects around 50 minutes.
Anushka (Sweety) is playing with nag in this Dhamarukam film. The Cinema is being directed by Srinivasa Reddy and produced by Venkat on R.R.Movie Makers banner. Devi Sri Prasad is Scoring the music for this nagarajuna Dhamarukam.
Get connected with Cinemayam for more updates on Dhamarukam,dhamarukam songs,dhamarukam audio release,dhamarukam free audio songs downloads,nagarjuna in dhararukam,damarukam posters,damarukam wallpapers,damarukam songs,nagarjuna look in damarukam.