Prince Mahesh’s new project "Business Man" shooting schedule has been started from 18th September in Mumbai. The Shooting of the cinema "Business Man" will continue till December 5th. Presently the film unit is making important scenes in Mumbai on Mahesh Babu, Kajal and other lead roles of the cinema. Mainly the movie shoot will be held in the cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad and Abroad. The film will be released on
January 12, 2012 by completing the entire film canning and other formalities.The film is being directed by Dashing Director Puri Jagannadh. Producer Venkat is producing the film on RR Movie makers banner. Kajal Agarwal is pairing up with Mahesh Babu in this Businessman.
Mahesh Babu said that "Iam feel very exciting to work with Puri Jagannadh again after Pokiri and again we are working together for a tremendous script with this Businessman.
" In Business Man Mahesh’s characterization and Mahesh’s dialogues will be fantastic", said by Puri Jaganndh.
The Cinema will be loaded with Prakash Raj, Shiyaji Shinde, Nazar, Dharmavarapu Subramanyam, Brahmaji, Bandla Ganesh, Bharat Reddy, Raja Murad, Jahangir Khan, Mahesh Balraj and Ayesha etc...
The main Crew of Business man was Music by SS Thaman, fights by Vijay, Cinemotography by Shyam K.Naidu, Art by Chinna and editing by S.R.Sekhar.
Keep watching Cinemayam for More updates of Mahesh's Business Man stills,Mahesh Business man songs,Business man working stills, Mahesh first look in Business man.Mahesh Babu Business in Mumbai!
January 12, 2012 by completing the entire film canning and other formalities.The film is being directed by Dashing Director Puri Jagannadh. Producer Venkat is producing the film on RR Movie makers banner. Kajal Agarwal is pairing up with Mahesh Babu in this Businessman.
Mahesh Babu said that "Iam feel very exciting to work with Puri Jagannadh again after Pokiri and again we are working together for a tremendous script with this Businessman.
" In Business Man Mahesh’s characterization and Mahesh’s dialogues will be fantastic", said by Puri Jaganndh.
The Cinema will be loaded with Prakash Raj, Shiyaji Shinde, Nazar, Dharmavarapu Subramanyam, Brahmaji, Bandla Ganesh, Bharat Reddy, Raja Murad, Jahangir Khan, Mahesh Balraj and Ayesha etc...
The main Crew of Business man was Music by SS Thaman, fights by Vijay, Cinemotography by Shyam K.Naidu, Art by Chinna and editing by S.R.Sekhar.
Keep watching Cinemayam for More updates of Mahesh's Business Man stills,Mahesh Business man songs,Business man working stills, Mahesh first look in Business man.Mahesh Babu Business in Mumbai!